In 2015, ICAM came to AACSB’s world headquarters in Tampa — a city surrounded by water that’s been shaping the land for centuries. It’s a natural setting for a steady current of ideas — the kind that have made AACSB the world’s leading authority on management education since 1916. ICAM’s program flowed through three central themes of Engagement, Innovation and Impact, while each session delved into the issues facing global business schools today, bringing clarity to tasks at hand. At ICAM 2015 insights would crest, creating a new landscape of business education, perpetuating the course of advancement.
The GRLI had an exhibit booth during the conference and met current and prospective partners.
The Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI) and PRME teamed up to drive the work of the newly named Responsible Management Education Affinity group on Sunday 26 April 2015. John North, Managing Director of GRLI tabled the motion that the group (now 351 members) would benefit from a formally elected and globally representative steering committee (with by-laws etc), an agreed statement of purpose, and a list of goals and activities. This Affinity group then became a credible and legitimate platform for thought leadership and action.
During the Affinity Group meeting, four schools shared their experiences with the audience. Presenters described their respective school’s efforts in implementing and integrating PRME and GRLI principles within their curricula and strategies to help faculty to do quality research in these areas.