1. Overview
In accordance with the GRLI Foundation Statutes and Board Internal Rules and Regulations framework, the Support Centre is mandated to invite Partners to nominate individuals and/or to candidate themselves as potential Board Members in view of finalising the composition of the new Board in New York on 22 June 2015.
Those wishing to put themselves forward are asked to provide a motivation describing how they will contribute to the work and agenda of the GRLI, help deliver the vision, the unique approach they bring, and the strategic partnerships and network which they may leverage to secure high level external recognition of GRLI.
Nominees will be approached to confirm their willingness to candidate themselves and will be asked to provide a mandate as above.
Assuming there is a choice of appropriate candidates coming forward, the Board will select the best person(s) to meet the requirements outlined below.
2. Key dates and contacts
Expressions of interest/nominations should be submitted by 20 May, 2015 to John NORTH, Managing Director (john.north@grli.org) and Liliana PETRELLA, Manager Governance (liliana.petrella@grli.org). The new board will assume its duties on 22 June 2015.
3. Overall Requirements
With reference to the current Board composition (balance representation of strategic partners, representatives of the Council of Partners, and individuals invited by the Board) there are a number of key requirements to be addressed:
- Strengthening corporate representation and balancing the corporate-academia participation
- Achieving regional and gender balance
- Ensuring active engagement at Board level
- Securing sustained financial support from strategic partners and individual patrons to ensure continued operational capacity and availability of relevant impact projects and advocacy platforms
- Securing high level external recognition of GRLI
Requirements specific to representatives of the Council of Partners
- The nominee/candidate profile needs to reflect the characteristics identified by the Council of Partners during the meeting in Cleveland in October 2014. These included: “Creative, Open minded, Flexible, Non Territorial, Walks the talk, Available, Transactional and Transformational”.
- Council of Partners’ representatives are expected to attend the AGM to (1) interact with the Partners and (2) take this opportunity to update Partners on relevant Board actions and decisions.
4. Role of the Board
- Review and approve the GRLI Foundation’s strategy and related business plan updated annually;
- Review and approve the annual budget and expenditure, as well as key performance indicators and targets, and review and evaluate performance against them;
- Review all financial reports and any other financial information that is to be reported or provided to parties external to the GRLI Foundation;
- Ensure that policies on key issues, including exposure to various risks, are in place and are appropriate;
- Ensure compliance with regulatory and other mandatory requirements;
- Ensure that governance rules and regulations are properly applied;
- Ensure that regular renewal of the Board composition is put in place according to the statutes;
- Appoint the Managing Director, decide on his/her remuneration and manage, monitor and evaluate his/her performance;
- Understand, develop and foster the GRLI Foundation’s culture;
- Ensure effective stakeholder relationships; and
- Ensure effective risk management.
A Board Member:
- Must act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the GRLI Foundation;
- Has a responsibility to use due care and diligence in fulfilling his/her role as Board Member;
- Must use his/her position as a Board Member for a proper purpose, in the best interests of the GRLI Foundation as a whole;
- Must avoid conflicts of interest;
- Must not make improper use of information acquired as a Board Member;
- Must take reasonable enquiries to ensure that the Foundation is operating efficiently, effectively and legally towards its goals;
- Is required to keep Board papers and discussions confidential;
- Should not engage in conduct likely to bring discredit upon the GRLI Foundation;
- Has an obligation, at all times, to comply with the spirit, as well as the letter of the law and with these principles.
5. Board composition until June 2015
This table shows the current composition of the Board with terms ending in June 2015 highlighted in red.
The composition of the Board will be reviewed every year.
RepresentativesOrganizationRoleSeat typeMandate expiresRegionCountryBus / Edu
Linda Livingstone AACSBStrategic / Founding Partner
n/a AMERUSA Education
Tom Robinson AACSBStrategic / Founding Partner
n/a AMERUSA Education
Eric Cornuel EFMDStrategic / Founding Partner
n/a EMEABEL/FRA Education
Thomas Sattelberger EFMDStrategic / Founding Partner
n/a EMEAGER Business
Jonas Haertle UNGC Strategic / Founding Partner
n/a AMERUSA/GER Business
Katrin Muff BSL Institutional Partners
2017 EMEACHE Education
Fernando d’Alessio CENTRUM Institutional Partners
2015 AMERPER Education
Peggy Cunningham Dalhousie Institutional Partners
2017 AMERCAN Education
Pascal Lizin GSK Bio Vice-Chair of Board Institutional Partners
2017 EMEABEL Business
Alberto Bucheb Petrobras Institutional Partners
2015 AMERBRA Business
Uwe Steinwender Daimler Vice-Chair of Board By invitation
2017 EMEAGER Business
Michael Powell Griffith By invitation
2015 APACAUS Education
Claire Maxwell Oasis SHR Chair of Council of Guardians By invitation
2016 EMEAUK Education
Pierre Tapie Paxter By invitation
2017 EMEAFRA Business
Dennis Hanno Wheaton College Chair of Board By invitation
2016 AMERUSA Education