Jean-Christophe Carteron, Special Advisor to the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative introduces the Sulitest Annual Report launched at the UN High Level Political Forum.
5 years is the time that some consider necessary for a project to mature…
In 2012, the idea that emerged in Rio at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development first led us to an experimental phase aligned with the commitments of the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) signatories.
Sulitest designed an initial platform to further the mission to:
“Support expanded sustainability knowledge, skills and mindset that motivate individuals to become deeply committed to building a sustainable future and to making informed and effective decisions.”
In 2013, universities were the first to begin to experiment with Sulitest’s international tool through the pilot platform. It was also at this time that many regional committees were created and produced their first set of local questions. All of them were convinced, as much as we, that in order to build a sustainable future, all current and future decision-makers urgently needed to improve their literacy on sustainable development.
Learning from the pilot phase, a new platform was launched at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi (May 2016). In this new Phase 1, Sulitest presented a more user-friendly tool, both for users and for examiners, which was built on a refined matrix and aligned each question with one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Global Agenda.
Sulitest was recognized in 2016 as one of the first featured initiatives of the UN Partnerships for Sustainable Development Goals, and in 2017 as a contributor to the review of the 2030 Agenda through the High-level Political Forum (HLPF). In total, nearly 90,000 people have used Sulitest’s best-known tool, the international Test, and Sulitest continues to refine existing tools and develop new ones.
This year, over half the test-takers took an optional survey, and of those, 73% concluded that this kind of test was useful.
Download “Raising & Mapping Awareness of the Global Goals”
In this new report, “Raising & Mapping Awareness of the Global Goals”, you will learn more about the different projects that have been deployed this year, how the tools are currently being used (with testimonials from university and corporate users), and observations on global SDG awareness. You will also discover the projects in Phase 2, which are currently being piloted, and some ideas for future development (Phase 3).
All over the world, the news shows us every day how the Global Agenda is a priority for humanity. As an international movement, Sulitest is proud to contribute -like many other great initiatives- to this challenging and energizing journey. More than ever, we need the support of all to continue to accelerate the movement to help current and future decision-makers and all of us better understand and integrate SDGs into our daily
lives and decisions.