Deadline 31 October 2021 for abstracts and presentations
The GRLI is pleased to announce and support a Call for Papers for the 16–18 March 2022 “Responsible Leadership Reimagined Conference, to be held at the Spier Conference Centre, University of Business School, South Africa.
The Responsible Leadership Reimagined Conference will be hosted by the USB Centre for Responsible Leadership Studies, in collaboration with the Allan Gray Centre for Values-based Leadership (University of Cape Town), the Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute (University of Pretoria) and the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative.
The Responsible Leadership Reimagined Conference is an event that seeks to address important questions about responsible leadership, and encourage further research and to advance the discussion on responsible leadership in Africa. This will enable us to move towards a common understanding of what responsible leadership is and what it can achieve on the continent.
Scholars and practitioners are invited to explore the full call for papers and proposals, noting the initial deadline for abstracts and presentations of 31 October 2021.
Please share with your networks.