In 2004, The Oasis School of Human Relations, one of 21 initiating partners, embarked on an inquiry, founded by the UN Global Compact and EFMD, into how to develop the next generation of globally responsible leadership.
From their work in GRLI came a shift in emphasis and focus for their organisational work. In 2009, aligned with a number of other initiatives, Oasis launched a UK project to explore the challenging question of ‘what are the requirements of the Workplace of Tomorrow if people and planet really matter?’
The inquiry offered fresh insights and created new questions as well as re-shaping commitments for both Oasis and contributing organisations and businesses. Since then new demands and urgencies have emerged, whilst many of the underlying themes not only remain but arguably are more critical to present and future action.
Throughout 2013 they will be interviewing guest contributors from the sessions in 2009 as well as thought leaders and practitioners from a wide variety of organisations.
For more information on this work, which also features in the ongoing activities of GRLI and 50+20, please see the Oasis Workplace of Tomorrow Call for Engagement.