The topic of the 2017 AACSB Deans Conference was “Connecting Leaders. Cultivating Change”. On 5 February 2017, the GRLI facilitated the Responsible Management Education (RME) affinity group meeting which took the form of a “collaboratory” workshop entitled “Deans as Agents of Change”. The workshop held in New Orleans, LA, USA attracted around forty deans from various business schools across the globe.
The objective of the workshop was for Deans to consider their roles as change agents by identifying barriers to change and sharing strategies for transforming business schools toward enabling global prosperity and global responsibility. A secondary objective of the workshop was to experience first-hand how peer-based learning could facilitate learning and development within the context of organisational and systemic change.
Using a whole person and whole institution learning approach, this “collaboratory” involved contributions from Joe D’Angelo and Vana Zervanos (SJU Haub School of Business), Asghar Sabbaghi (Graham School of Management) and Julia Christensen Hughes (Guelph College of Business and Economics) representing their respective institutions. Julia also reported on projects relating to the UNGC PRME Champions initiative.
Following these introductions the group jointly determined, based on collective interest and energy, which emergent issues and topics to emphasise during the working session.