By JC Carteron, KEDGE Business School and HESI Senior Advisor

It was a pleasure to take part in this year’s High Level Political Forum (HLPF), alongside GRLI colleagues and friends from around the world. My participation at the UN events revolved around advocacy for Global Responsibility through my association with a number of initiatives including Sulitest, HESI and the SDG Accord.
The UN Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI), a joint initiative of several UN agencies that convenes hundreds of global higher education institutions, held its annual meeting on Wednesday, 10 July, alongside the HLPF review of SDG 4, Quality Education. On 10 July, I was a session facilitator for the HESI Global Event, which explored how the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is changing the way higher education institutions are working and how they engage critically with the SDGs. See agenda here.

The full video of the session can be view by clicking on the link below.Higher Education Sustainability Initiative Global Event (HLPF 2019 Side Event)
This is the video portal of the United Nations Webcast that broadcasts daily, live and on demand video coverage over…
Findings from the 2019 SDG Accord report & recommendations were presented by the EAUC’s Fiona Goodwin, representing the Global Alliance & The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education, as well as myself.
Additionally, we presented outcomes from the 2019 Sulitest Report as a tangible implementation of the HESI’s mission and heard comments from GBSN CEO Dan LeClair on the landscape for business school rankings, especially through the lens of delivering the SDGs through Higher Education.

Also of interest for the GRLI Community was Florencia Librizza’s 9 July presentation, in her new role as Head of Program and Partnerships for the SDG Academy at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. She presented the work of the SDG Academy and its support for the new SDG:Learn platform at the opening of this year’s SDGs Learning, Training & Practice workshops. Florencia’s presentation begins at 1:24:30 in the video below

Opening of the SDG Learning and Training and Launch of UN SDG:Learn .:. Sustainable Development…
Opening of the SDG Learning and Training and Launch of UN
The week’s events were a positive way for members of the GRLI community to stay in touch with colleagues and key stakeholders in the UN ecosystem and further develop pathways to Global Responsibility in leadership, learning and practice.