Within weeks from now the artistic benches destined for the 50+20 “Emerging Benchmarks” exhibit and collaboratory prototypes will arrive in Rio de Janeiro. 50+20 will host “guerrilla business school” sessions wherever we manage to setup the mobile bench exhibit, with the film crew capturing the action, including the launch of the 50+20 Agenda at the 3rd PRME Global Forum.
One of the benches, made by renowned Brazilian artists Getúlio Damado who turns junk into art, is of course already in Rio and can be seen below. Getúlio’s bench has already found a sponsor but there are several others still available if you or your institution are interested in obtaining one of these pieces.
Please encourage your friends and colleagues attending RIO+20 to stay in touch with us via twitter (on @50plus20) and to follow our 50+20 microblog for realtime updates from 13 to 20 June. We are also looking for more organisation that can co-host collaboratory sessions at the People’s Summit and elsewhere on 17 to 20 June.