The third and final meeting of the 50+20 project took place at the EFMD Headquarters in Brussels on Jan 30–31 2012 and was hosted by the GRLI.
24 individuals, including a number of Deans and Directors, from across the globe took part in the 2-day workshop and meetings where the latest versions of Chapters 1 to 4 of the 50+20 report was discussed in-depth. Participants included:
- Antonin Pujos — Zermatt Summit, France
- Chris Taylor — Oasis School of Human Relations, UK
- Fernando D’Alessio — Centrum PUCP, Peru
- Gay Haskins — Said Business School, Oxford University, UK
- Hamid Bouchikhi — ESSEC, Paris, France
- Harald Heinrichs — Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany
- Jean-Christophe Carteron — Euromed Management, France
- John Cimino — Creative Leaps International, US
- John North — Albert Luthuli Centre for Responsible Leadership, RSA
- Jonas Haertle — PRME, US
- Josep Maria Lozano — ESADE, Spain
- Katrin Muff — Business School Lausanne, Switzerland
- Lene Mette Sørensen — CBS, Denmark
- Louis Klein — Systemic Excellence Group, Germany
- Mark Drewell — GRLI, UK
- Mary Watson — The New School of Mgt and Policy, US
- Mathias Falkenstein — EFMD, Belgium
- Mike Donnelly — Swinburne UT, Australia
- Nick Main — Deloitte, UK
- Peter Little — QUT, Australia
- Philippe De Woot — GRLI, Belgium
- Rosanna Boscawen — UK
- Sandra Waddock — Carroll School of Management, Boston College, US
- Thomas Dyllick — University of St Gallen, Switzerland
The retreat yielded a number of significant outcomes:
- A summary of the vision and its key components drawn up from input that participants provided on day 1 of the meeting. This summary sets the tone for the final version of chapter 4 of the report which is currently being completed
- For each of the main stakeholder groups (providers of management education, funders and policy makers, participants in and buyers of management education, influencers) a number of suggestions were developed on how that group may progress the 50+20 vision. These suggestions feed into chapter 5 of the report
- Practical suggestions for improving on and adding to the overall report content, style and tone were developed and documented
- Plans were outlined for the presentation of the report findings in Rio+20 in June during the PRME Global Forum
One of the highlights of the meeting took place when participants delivered impromptu “elevator pitches” describing the vision of 50+20. The following 18 min segment of video captures many of the “elevator pitches” that were delivered.
Photos of the Brussels event were taken by Evriel and may be viewed below. iPad users can access the photos via